We offer full web services for businesses. We'll do everything necessary for your website!

We provide full care of UX / UI design of your project

12 months warranty

We provide a 12-month warranty on each website


We'll optimize your site to make it visible in search engines.

Full copywriting

We'll write all the texts and descriptions needed for your site.



The first step is to define the purpose of the site, target group, requirements, and functionality. At this stage, the appearance of the site, its structure, and content are also determined. After defining the requirements and signing the agreement, we get to work.


Our designers create a visual design of the main page, including layout, color scheme, fonts, and graphics. This design is tailored to the client's requirements and must be accepted before the next steps.
Then, the remaining subpages are created, as well as additional content, such as texts, specified graphics, or photos and videos, all subject to your approval.


After approving the visual layer, the site is coded and analyzed. Developers work on the backend and frontend, and the site is tested for responsiveness, load time, and other factors


After completing work on the site, it is implemented on the server, and its functionality is tested. At this stage, the last corrections can be made. After they're implemented, the fully functional site is ready for use.



E-commerce store

Our E-commerce Store solutions represent the pinnacle of online retail. Perfect for businesses aiming to expand their market reach, these stores blend attractive design with robust functionality, providing an unmatched shopping experience for customers.

Multipage website

Our Multipage Websites are more than just digital spaces they are comprehensive platforms ideal for businesses, creatives, and professionals looking to establish a strong online presence. These websites are designed to be both informative and engaging, reflecting the unique identity of each client.

Web App 

Our Web Apps are at the forefront of digital innovation, tailored to meet diverse industry needs. Ideal for clients seeking sophisticated, custom solutions, these apps offer a blend of high functionality and intuitive design, making them essential tools for any business aiming to leverage digital technology for growth and efficiency.

Dynamic Website

Dynamic Websites designed by our team are more than just online platforms; they're vibrant, interactive experiences. Perfect for businesses and individuals looking to make a significant online impact, these websites are engineered to adapt to user interactions, ensuring a personalized and engaging experience for each visitor



Experience the pinnacle of online retail with our Individual E-Commerce solutions, where we don't just build a store, we craft a unique digital shopping universe.
Our approach involves designing a bespoke storefront that reflects your brand's ethos and appeals directly to your target audience. We integrate a comprehensive management system, ensuring every aspect from inventory control to customer relationship management is seamless and efficient.

Our commitment is to deliver not just a website, but a complete, fully-operational e-commerce ecosystem, tailored to meet and exceed both your business needs and customer expectations.

12 months warranty

We provide a 12-month warranty on each website

Creative work

Your store will have a fully original design 

CMS system

Full implementation of a self-content management system

Full responsiveness

The website will display perfectly on any device

Multipage website

Discover the art of online storytelling with our Multipage Websites, where each page is a new chapter in your brand's narrative. Our team specializes in designing comprehensive websites that unfold your story through multiple pages, each meticulously crafted for both aesthetic appeal and functional excellence. From engaging homepages to detailed service descriptions, our Multipage Websites serve as a digital canvas to showcase the depth and breadth of your offerings.

This approach is perfect for businesses and professionals desiring a thorough online presence, ensuring that every aspect of their story is beautifully presented and easily navigable.

12 months warranty

We provide a 12-month warranty on each website

Up to 7 subpages

On each subpage, you can include detailed information about your services or products.

CMS system

Possible implementation of a self-content management system

Full responsiveness

The site will display perfectly on every type of device.

Dynamic Website

Unleash the full potential of web interactivity with our Dynamic Websites. These sites are a quantum leap from static web pages, offering real-time content updates and personalized user experiences. Unlike conventional websites, our dynamic solutions are built with sophisticated backend programming, enabling them to respond and adapt to user interactions and data inputs. This means each visitor enjoys a customized experience, from tailored content to interactive features, making these websites not just informative but a hub of engagement.

Ideal for businesses seeking an active, evolving online presence, our Dynamic Websites are the embodiment of web innovation, ensuring your digital footprint is as lively and adaptable as your business itself.

12-month warranty

We provide a 12-month warranty on every website.

Creaitve forms

Your dynamic website wil engage your users to create data.

CMS System

Full implementation of a self-managed content system.

Full responsiveness

The site will display perfectly on every type of device.

Web App

Web applications, or web apps, are a transformative technology that allows users to interact with dynamic content online. Unlike traditional websites, web apps provide an engaging, interactive experience, enabling users to perform specific tasks and access real-time information.

At Capital Clicks, we specialize in crafting top-tier web applications tailored to meet our clients' unique needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative design, our team of seasoned experts delivers web apps that not only look stunning but also function seamlessly. Our commitment to quality and a relentless pursuit of excellence is what sets us apart as an industry leader.

12-month warranty

We provide a 12-month warranty on every website.

Full UX / UI design

We provide full care of UX / UI design of your project

CMS System

Full implementation of a self-managed content system.

Full responsiveness

The site will display perfectly on every type of device.

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to create a website depends on many factors. However, the most common time to create a website is from 4 to 9 business days. For more advanced websites, web applications, or stores, this time can be extended.

The exact cost of a website depends on the level of advancement of the components required by the client, which will be included on the site.

No, we are a professional agency and we create any form of materials on request, from texts, through photos and drawings, to graphics and films.

Yes, we set up any number of mail addresses associated with your domain at your request. This is an additional service, but completely free.

Yes, we offer a discount of at least 10% on SEO services for all our clients who entrust us with creating a website.

Yes, on request, we create a CMS panel for each site that allows you to make changes to the site, such as adding text, photos, or other media files.

We pay particular attention to ensuring that your site is displayed correctly on every device.

We can purchase hosting and a domain on your behalf. These amounts will be added to the invoice.

The cost of implementing a content management system depends on the number of elements you want to be able to control. The simplest system, for example, adding blog content or photos, costs from $ 299.

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Contact us via the contact form, send an email or call now!

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US office:

(240) 889-2445

Working hours

8:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5)

Fill the form

We will call you back today and provide you with an exact quote, suggested solutions, and the expected timeframe for your project's completion.

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